Movies & Books

This Book has 3 different covers!! Must have been pretty popular.

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There are quite a few movies either based or partially filmed in South Boston. They I have posted 5 clips of my favorites. among the others are: "Goodwill Hunting" 1997,  Boondock Saints," "The Verdict" 1982, and "Broadcast News" 1987. Please Pardon all foul language in these clips :)

This is the trailer from the 1999 movie "Southie"starring Donnie Walberg. I never actually new this movie existed.

This is a clip from the 2006 movie "The Departed" starring Donnie Walberg who is also from the Boston area. In this movie Jack Nicholson plays Frank Costello who is supposed to be Whitey Bulger. I got to meet jack Nicholson while he was in Boston filming this movie. Notice the Boston Accent! 

Here is a clip from the 2007 movie "Gone Baby Gone" starring casey Afflec, also from Cambridge. This scene was filmed at Murphy's Law, an Irish pub on Summer Street in Southie. At the time i worked at Shag Rockstar Hair directly across the street from Murphy's Law and watched them as they were filming through the window. Please Pardon the language. Notice the green sweatshirt;classic Southie attire!

This is the trailer from the 2010 movie "The Town" also partially filmed in Southie starring Ben Afflec who is from Cambridge.

Here is the trailer from one of my favorite movies "Mystic River" which was partially filmed in Slouthie.