Famous People

In the shot of Whitey with the white tee shirt and White boston cap it looks like he may be on Castle Island. I can tell from the green poles in the picture but i could be wrong; just an observation.

Whitey in Alcatraz in 1959

James "Whitey" Bulger is a FBI Top Fugitive he is being charged with:
          -RICO-Rackateering Influenced and Corrupt Organizations
-19 Counts of murder
-Money Laundering

Kevin Weeks:Whitey's right hand man

Kevin and Whitey
According to Kevin Weeks,

"One day while the gang war was still going on, Jimmy was driving down Seventh Street in South Boston when he saw Paulie driving toward him. Jimmy pulled up beside him, window to window, nose to nose, and called his name. As Paulie looked over, Jimmy shot him right between the eyes. Only at that moment, just as he pulled the trigger, Jimmy realized it wasn't Paulie. It was Donald, the most likable of the McGonagle brothers, the only one who wasn't involved in anything. Jimmy drove straight toBilly O'Sullivan's house on Savin Hill Avenue and told Billy O, who was at the stove cooking, 'I shot the wrong one. I shot Donald.' Billy looked up from the stove and said, 'Don't worry about it. He wasn't healthy anyway. He smoked. He would have gotten lung cancer. How do you want your pork chops?'"[

This is Whitey"s brother William Bulger

Bulger became interested in politics in 1959 and was first elected to the Massachusetts House of Representatives in 1961. After serving four terms, Bulger was elected to the Massachusetts State Senate in 1970 representing the First Suffolk District. He was elected President of the Massachusetts State Senate in 1978 and re-elected every two years to 1996, making his time as State Senate President the longest tenure in Massachusetts history.
Bulger joined other Irish American neighborhood leaders in opposition to court-ordered desegregated busing.

Here are some more of Whitey's Associates 

John "Zip" Connolly former FBI agent currently incarcerated

Stephen "Rifleman" Flemmi decorated Veteran of Vietnam war currently incarcerated 

Former member of the Mullen GangVietnam vet, and the bestselling author of the memoir A Criminal and an Irishman; The Inside Story of the Boston Mob-IRA Connection.

 According to Nee,
The balance of the meeting was spent forming an alliance, and by far the hardest part was deciding whom to protect. After a war, each side usually gets to protect so many people from harm. Those who aren't protected are fair game for retribution and 'shake-downs.' Everything was split down the middle. All the horses, dogs, bookmaking, and loansharking were now going to be under our mutual control. This was the beginning of our relationship. Whitey and I were now officially partners and nobody at that table could ever have possibly imagined how this treacherous f--- would treat his partners