Wednesday, October 27, 2010


i dont know why it disappears after i click publish.....


I had a little trouble trying to get the Amazon link on my Books and Movies page so maybe i can just put it here..

Dont know if that is gonna work but there it is... lets try again...

"South Boston"

Lil fun Fact about Southie that i just found out today....

South Boston used to be called Dorchester Neck....

Monday, October 25, 2010

What i did tonight....

I have completed almost 4 of the 5 pages of my blog and will be completing the movies and books page tomorrow. I have also put three little stars *** underneath original pictures that i took myself.


i am now trying to figure out how to post to a specific page... the green house post was supposed to go on the about page.... lets see

Some pics from inside the museum...

A pic of JFK and his boat crew
A family pic of a few Kennedy's. I can't remember which ones  but i think the older man is Joseph
Media desk
An old Boston globe vending Machine with  JFK on the front page.

My trip to the Jfk museum

These pictures were taken in the pavilion of the JFK museum which can b seen from really far away across the water now that I know were it is. The picture with the writing takes up almost the whole entire wall which is the only one that is not made of glass. I had to practically lay on the floor to get the picture with the flag. Just so you get an idea of how big the pavilion is... It was beautiful

Why i switched my project topic....

I was originally going to do my project on the Kennedy's and their long history of importance, tragedy and scandal in Boston. However, after a trip to the JFK library and museum I found this topic to be pretty boring. I then decided I would much rather do the project on Southie which happens to be were the JFK library is located :)